Thursday, April 19, 2012

2 Peter 1:4

Today God has shown me just how beautiful his timing and love for me truly is. This evening, I was feeling defeated and overwhelmed after finding out I had made a few unpleasant grades on top of thinking about everything I had to get done in the next few weeks before school ended. However, everything changed when I received a phone call from Shawe Horn, the Development Manager at the Promise House in Dallas Texas. This was the moment of truth. After going through an intense application process for almost 2 months, I was about to find out if I had received the internship of my dreams. As a communications major wanting to go into the non-profit sector, acquiring the position of The Donor and Community Relations Coordinator for The Promise House was everything I wanted and more for this summer. Not only would I be developing life long skills that would help me become more qualified and educated in the Non-Profit Industry, but I would also have the opportunity to be doing what I love the most, serving. Serving the Promise House with the goals of helping them reach the broken youth in Dallas would be so fulfilling and something I would always remember. I began praying, trying not to drown out everything she way saying by my cries to God. I begged God for this opportunity as she told me she had one more final interview question. She asked, "Amanda, how badly do you want this internship position this summer?" I genuinely responded saying, "more than anything. This internship is everything I have been praying for and thinking about. I would love nothing more than the opportunity to serve the promise house this summer." After pouring out my heart, I just remember hearing the words well good! Because you are our new summer intern, congratulations!!!!! That moment was one of the best moments of my life. I have never felt so blessed and overwhelmed by God's gracious love and kindness. He had given me the Internship he had promised! He had given me the desires of my heart! I know that I was not the most qualified candidate, but I know that I wanted this more than anyone who applied and I would give my whole heart and soul to this organization. God is so good. I cannot begin to express my excitement for this summer and to see what the future holds! I know that I am beyond blessed by a never-failing, promise fulfilling, ever-loving God. I want to keep track of how God is working in my life, especially this summer, never forgetting everything he has done and is doing!

"And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires." 2 Peter 1:4